RenTech works with a monthly subscription that allows you to split your rent digitally and automatically.
Pay rent on time
Improve cash flow
Create credit score
With RenTech, you have the freedom to choose how and when to pay your rent
Every first of the month you pay 50% of your rent and we cover the other 50%
Payments will be charged automatically to you bank account so...
Forget having to make money tranfers or withdraw cash each time you pay rent
Payment program
* Financed amount + subscription
Step 1
Pay RenTech half of your rent
Step 2
RenTech pays the total amount to your lessor
Step 3
You pay the total amount* to RenTech
* Monto financiado + suscripción
Payment Programme

Payment Programme

Programa mensual de pagos
* Amounts and days are an example, not fixed.

The subscription cost varies on the amount of your rent

A $200.00 mxn inscription fee will be charged for the creation of the profile

Desliza y observa el costo de la suscripción

$ 150.00 mxn
Rent amount
Monthly subscription cost
below $8,000
$8,000 - $10,999
$11,000 - $15,999
$16,000 - $19,999
above $20,000
5% of amount
* All amounts are in mexican pesos (MXN)
How can you join the financial revolution?
Register in the Initial Form
Get the required documents
We will approve your credit in less than 15 days
Enjoy RenTech's benefits